Circular Economy

The circular economy

It is a production and consumption model that involves sharing, renting, reusing, repairing, renewing and recycling existing materials and products as many times as possible to create added value. In this way, the life cycle of the products is extended.

In practice

It involves reducing waste to a minimum. When a product reaches the end of its life, its materials are kept within the economy wherever possible through recycling. These can be productively used again and again, thus creating additional value.


Waste electrical and electronic equipment in the EU

Did you know?

The European Union produces more than 2.2 billion tons of waste per year.

RAEE represents one of the fastest growing EU waste streams, with less than 40% being recycled.

"In 2017, the world generated 44.7 million tonnes of waste electrical and electronic equipment, and only 20% was properly recycled"
Dutch MEP Jan Huitema

home appliances
52,7 %
Consumer equipment and photovoltaic panels
14,6 %
Equipos informáticos y de telecomunicaciones
14,1 %
home appliances
10,1 %

8,4 %

Our Spin process

Recover - Review - Recondition - Test - Reuse

Step 1 Recovery

We collect and recover machines that have already completed their cycle in Clean stores.

Step 2 Review

Our technicians thoroughly inspect each component. Machines that need a part change are reconditioned, while those that do not meet quality standards are dismantled to recover the useful parts and deliver the remainder to local scrap recycling operators.

Step 3 Reconditioning

We replace the necessary parts to give a second life to our machines. Just like factory outlets!

Step 4 Testing

We carry out quality tests to ensure the 100% operation of each machine.

Step 5 Reuse

Once reconditioned and tested our machines are ready to be installed and enjoyed by our users in each of our Spin stores.

Spin Facts

We reuse the material from our suppliers to make our shipments.

Be part of the solution

How you contribute to caring for the environment by choosing Spin:

You reduce the Co2 footprint and the consumption of natural products involved in the manufacture of new machines.

You reuse: you give value to a quality product.

You reduce the volume of electronic landfills.

You contribute to the generation of activity in the local recycling industry.

Give your business a turn!

and join the Spin revolution. 
Contact us to provide you with a solution adapted to your needs

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